Saturday, August 26, 2017

Bay Area: protesting racist "patriots" (KQED)

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; The California Report (; AP
Right-wing gathering in San Francisco fizzle amid California crackdown (AP)

Large protests against far-right in S.F.
Authorities in San Francisco and Alameda counties prepared for the influx of fringe-right supporters over the weekend, hoping to squelch the assemblies from turning violent -- like they have in the past -- through a series of legal maneuvers and bureaucratic red tape. And it seems to be working: Patriot Prayer has twice canceled its event in San Francisco and the organizer of a fringe-right rally in Berkeley is urging people not to come. More
San Francisco claims victory after right-wing group is shut out
"The power of the people is stronger than the people in power" San Francisco (AP)
Black Lives Matter, too! (AP)
SAN FRANCISCO, California - Counter-protesters opposing a right-wing gathering in liberal San Francisco claimed victory Saturday.

Why? The [racist] event was cancelled after city officials walled off a city park -- a move that the event's [right wing] organizer said was more about silencing his group's [white supremacist] message than preventing a violent clash. ...
Golden Gate Bridge in the city of peace 'n love
Joey Gibson, who is Japanese-American and leads Patriot Prayer, said his group disavows racism and hatred and wanted to promote dialogue with people who may not share its views.

He cancelled a planned rally Saturday at a field under the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge after he said his members received anonymous threats on social media and feared civic leaders and law enforcement would fail to protect them. More

"No hate! No KKK! No Nazis in the USA!" Andrea Smith holds sign in San Francisco (AP)

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