Sunday, August 13, 2017

California joins ANTI-NAZI movement; Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Why do Nazis like Trump? Why does Trump administration like Nazis? (This Modern World)
Hundreds protest in Oakland over deadly Virginia rally
OAKLAND - Protesters marched in California cities to decry [denounce, and reject] racism in the wake of deadly violence that erupted at a white [supremacist, Nazi] nationalist demonstration in Virginia.

In Oakland [next to San Francisco], hundreds of protesters gathered Saturday night to hear speakers and then marched peacefully downtown, chanting and waving signs and banners.

Anti-racist demonstrators march along Interstate 580 in Oakland, Calif., Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017 to decry racism in the wake of deadly violence by white nationalists Virginia (AP).
Some of the protesters blocked Interstate 580 before being dispersed, The San Francisco Chronicle reported.
One of the downtown marchers carried a hand-crafted sign reading, "Call it what it is. White supremacy."
Anti-fascist demonstrators rally in solidarity with anti-Nazi demonstrators in Virginia (AP).
I'm not a Nazi. I just want their approval.
The hastily arranged gathering was a response to events earlier Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia. A car plowed into a crowd that was peacefully protesting a white nationalist rally, killing one person and injuring 19.
Authorities say the [racist, hate-driven] driver of the car, 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. of Ohio, was charged with second-degree murder [but no charges for the 19 cases of attempted murder for those injured when Fields plowed into the peaceful demonstrators].

A smaller rally held in Los Angeles Saturday evening was peaceful. Candlelight vigils were held in San Francisco and El Cajon in San Diego County. More
    You a racist, Trump? - Me?
      The swastika is an ancient sacred symbol appropriated by Nazis and white supremacists.

      Brown Shirts in the USA? Nazi propaganda lives on in US through some youth movements.

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