Thursday, August 17, 2017

Meditation and Veganism: Connection?

Russell Simmons (; Crystal Quintero, Amber Larson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Vegan desserts are easy to make and taste better than the old junk food versions (WQ).

Making the Connection
Meditation Made Simple
I used to get down with the best of them. I’ve often said that back in the day I’d eat [animal corpse] ribs, flanks, chitlins, buffalo wings, pig’s feet...probably even an elephant’s ass [saucy rectum] if you had put it on a plate in front of me.

I never spent a moment considering what sort of damage that food was wreaking on me because I had grown up listening to the world instead of my body.
Vegan foods are healthy and taste great!
And the world told me that greasy, fatty meats should make me happy and content. So that’s what I believed, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Until I woke up.
I use the term “wake up” because I believe that eating meat actually represents unconscious behavior. We all know in our hearts that eating meat is wrong -- bad for what it does to our bodies and terrible for the suffering it creates for the animals that are killed on our behalf.

Vegan for Everything (
When the Bible spoke of giving man [humans] “dominion” over the animals, the intention wasn’t to cosign an industrial farming industry that slaughters more than ten billion land animals in the United States each year alone.

[That] farming industry is one of the biggest contributors to global warming. I suspect the damage eating meat is causing is why Albert Einstein once said, “Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

Man meditatingYet, often until we learn how to be still through a tool like meditation, we can’t hear that truth in our hearts because we’re so distracted by the noise of those who would have us believe eating meat is okay.

I can say without reservation that I would have never become a vegan if I hadn’t started meditating first.

Without meditation, I would have continued to be a sheep, a follower who kept engaging in harmful acts because everyone else was doing it, too.
Meditation gave me both the clarity to see that I didn’t like harming animals and then the confidence... More

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