Monday, August 28, 2017

Rapist guru convicted: deadly riots (video)

DW English, AJ, Aug. 25-26, 2017; Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Convicted rapist and guru of a "cult" of 60 million followers Gurmeet R.R. Singh

Indian guru's rape conviction triggers riots
(Al Jazeera English, Aug. 26, 2017) More than 32 people have been killed in protests in northern India after a popular spiritual leader named Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was convicted of raping two female followers. He leads a group that claims to have 60 million followers around the world. [He allegedly has also so far convinced 400 male followers to get castrated in order to see God, presumably Brahma, who transcends sexuality and sexual dimorphism. Celibacy is the "way or vehicle to Brahma" or brahmacarya.] Indian authorities have imposed a curfew and cut off Internet services in an effort to contain the devotional rioting.
DW English(DW, Aug. 25, 2017) Communal violence has erupted in the northern Indian city of Panchkula after a popular spiritual guru was convicted of rape. At least 13 people have died in riots following the verdict. A court found Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh guilty of raping two of his followers in 2002. More:

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