Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Texas hit by 15 days of Niagra Falls (video)

Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly
Niagara Falls in Canada/USA spills over a tremendous flow. Houston got 15 days worth.

Oh, Harvey, rain god, please stop raining.
When Hurricane Harvey (Spanish-language coverage) started heading toward Huston, we wanted to put a headline like, "Why does God hate Texas?" It's a very Christian place.
And what it lacks in Protestant white supremacist "patriots" it makes up for in conservative Catholic Hispanics and Latinos. But remember, it's also the Deep South, so it has plenty of antebellum sentiments and abuse victims.

Who knew that Huston was the most diverse city in the country? Surely that title always went to Los Angeles, if not New York City. Times (and demographics) they are a changin'. No one could imagine that all the rain predicted would do this much harm and be doubled.

Harvey's other victims: pets, animals
The ocean water there was the hottest in the country at about 86-87 degrees, fueling the storm and contributing moisture that rained back down on the flat flood plain (making this a man made disaster rather than a natural disaster, to say nothing of human contributions to climate chaos). The flooding is enormous. But how much water is a few trillion gallons?

Texas has received the equivalent of 15 days' worth of Niagara Falls spillage. One second would inundate any place. In drought-stricken Southern California we were making due with the mist that comes off the famous Canadian-American falls, but spreading it out over a year.

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Flooding in Houston, Texas, Deep South, the most diverse city in USA (univision.com)
Houston, Texas (Gulf of Mexico) getting the brunt of Hurricane Harvey (npr.org)

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