Friday, September 15, 2017

Antifa, Breitbart, Cops at Berkeley (video)

Fox News,
End white Christian terror! Antifa crashes white supremacist party (

Why can't I bring the hate? I have a book to sell!
At least nine people were arrested last night (Thursday, 9/14/17) related to protests at the [Home of the Free Speech Movement, the] University of California, Berkeley, over an appearance by [Jewish, right wing] former Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro.

Conservative radio host Ben Shapiro gave a speech at the University of California Berkeley on September 14.  The university took extensive and costly security measures for the event which was met with protests.UC Berkeley spokesman Dan Mogulof said the security measures could cost $600,000.00. Mogulof called the speech "a successful event" and said the university was committed to hosting speakers like Shapiro in the future.
The evening did have its share of hiccups. Police said three arrests were weapons-related. Among them: More

Fascism under Jackboots and Birkenstocks? 
Mr. Monty Burns
The way to be progressive, open minded, liberal, and enlightened is to listen to the other side -- however hateful, insulting, or triggering.

How can one defeat another in argument without knowing the other's argument? Ignorance closes its eyes and ears to opposing views, from different perspectives. A "liberal" education is broad and deep.

Mr. Hitler Campbell, American Neo-Nazi
One day we are bound to hear what the "other" side says. What will happen then? We'll be taken in with surprise, never having known their views only assuming we knew. It is better to be inoculate ourselves to hate by taking in small doses. It is better to watch and laugh at Milo and Beno, mere curios, clever speakers with underlying hateful motives.

I'm not smarmy! I'm an intellectual gent.
Surely, they believe they are doing the right thing, holding to the loftier ideal. Unless one hears them out, how can we know or define ourselves by comparison. How do rise above if all we do is shut ourselves off? Go, Antifa. Oppose fascists. Expose fascists. But punching people we don't like? No. It's what police/Nazis want so they can justify their own thirst for violent oppression. 

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