Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Aware Project: rethinking psychedelics

Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Ash Be (Meetup),

Is that safe? Studies show you need a professional psychologist or researcher present.
I was meditating when I realized...
The aim of The Aware Project is to balance the public conversation about psychedelics, spread accurate information, and give a new face to psychedelia.

This change in impression will occur through connection and relationship, one individual at a time. The project is calling on everyone whose lives have been improved through the mindful use of psychedelics to educate themselves and become ambassadors for the psychedelic experience.

Ambassadors can show everyone around them that people who mindfully and thoughtfully use psychedelics -- which will soon become legal in California -- cross all social, racial, economic, and political lines.

The Aware Project organizes events in Los Angeles and San Diego to educate and connect the psychedelic community.

Stained glass simulates psychedelic experience
There is a monthly speaker series called the "Psychedelic Awareness Salon" as well as screenings of psychedelic related movies and documentaries.

The schedule is speaker or movie, questions, and unstructured mingling time.
"Huachuma, Ayahuasca, and the Plant Medicine Healing Process" with Javier RegueiroAu Lac DTLA, 710 W 1st St., LA, CA (map) More
Not to be confused with (KPFK W/Th, 1:00-2:00 PM)

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