Thursday, September 7, 2017

"Dolores [Huerta]" (video)

PBS; Mitch Jeserich (KPFA); Crystal Quintero, CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Dolores Huerta is among the most important, yet least known, activists in American history. An equal partner in co-founding the first farm workers unions with Cesar Chavez, her enormous contributions have gone largely unrecognized.

Huerta tirelessly led the fight for racial and labor justice alongside Chavez, becoming one of the most defiant feminists of the 20th century -- and she continues the fight to this day, at age 87.

With intimate and unprecedented access to this intensely private mother of 11, the film reveals the raw, personal stakes involved in committing one’s life to social change. Directed by Peter Bratt. Co-produced by Carlos Santana of the band Santana.
AUDIO: INTERVIEW (9/7/17) L&P talks to Dolores Huerta, one of the most important farm worker activist in American history, and Director Peter Bratt about the history and the current politics of immigrants’ rights in the U.S. and about the movie "Dolores." More about the film.

Labor leader/civil rights activist Dolores Heurta, the subject of a new documentary “Dolores,” stopped by the Variety Studio presented by Orville Redenbacher’s at the Sundance Film Festival, accompanied by director Peter Bratt and producers Benjamin Bratt and Carlos Santana, to discuss the film and her groundbreaking achievements.

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