Friday, September 15, 2017

Killer cop acquitted: St. Louis warned of unrest

St. Louis killer cop acquitted of murder of black motorist he shot to death
Judge: How could a white officer be guilty?
ST. LOUIS, Missouri - A white former police officer was acquitted today in the 2011 murder of a black man whom he fatally shot following a high-speed chase [after announcing on tape to a fellow officer that he wanted to kill him and then planting a gun in the victim's vehicle]. Hundreds of demonstrators [have now] streamed into the streets of downtown St. Louis to protest the verdict that had stirred fears of civil unrest for weeks. More

St. Louis clergy warn of unrest if ex-cop is acquitted
We are a police state to blacks who "act up."
ST. LOUIS, Missouri - A group of clergy warned a judge about the potential for unrest if he acquits former St. Louis killer cop Jason Stockley in the 2011 murder of a young black man following a high-speed chase.

About 25 St. Louis clergy members gathered Friday [Sept. 8] outside the courthouse, where the Rev. Clinton Stancil read their letter to the judge weighing the case against Jason Stockley, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

St. Louis knows how to deal with slaves blacks
Stancil said the group doesn't condone violence, but it believes there will protests if killer Stockley, 36, isn't convicted of first-degree murder in the killing of 24-year-old Anthony Lamar Smith.

"Any decision rendered by you other than a guilty verdict will make you liable for any ensuing unrest or acts of aggression," the group wrote to Judge Timothy Wilson. "In biblical terms, 'the blood will be on your hands.'"
Stockley shot and killed Smith following a high-speed chase. The encounter began when Stockley and his partner tried to corner Smith in a fast-food restaurant parking lot after seeing what appeared to be a drug deal.

Good thing the USA is not Europe (AP).
Stockley testified that he saw what he believed was a gun, and his partner yelled "gun!" as Smith backed into the police SUV twice to get away.
At his bench trial, prosecutors alleged that Stockley planted a gun in Smith's car after he shot him.

Let me see some hands or I'll light you up (AP)
They said the gun had Officer Stockley's DNA on it, but not the murdered Smith's. Stockley, who left the police force in 2013 and moved to Houston, denied that he planted the gun.

He testified that he saw Smith holding a gun before the chase began and [said what police are trained to say after the fact to get away with any murder, questionable killing, or illegal discharge of their firearm that he felt he was in imminent danger when he opened fire. More
Do Black Lives Matter? (

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