Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Kick the white powder: sugar, Coke

Gretchen Lidicker (mindbodygreen.com); Crystal Quintero, A. Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I went on a radical "Eat Sugar" Diet. Here's what happened (mindbodygreen.com)
Dose with deadly white sugar, 14 tsp. per can. Then use straw to snort (inspirefirst.com).

Gretchen Lidicker
Ever feel health news is too overwhelming, fast-paced, or hard to decipher? We do, too. Let's filter the latest in health, wellness, and nutrition advice to find what's most meaningful breakthroughs to become healthier and happier humans.
Think you're the picture of good health? You might want to take a good hard look at sugar intake.

A new study shows that people who eat a diet high in sugar -- even if they are otherwise healthy -- have increased levels of fat in their blood and livers, which puts them at risk for disease.

This groundbreaking study was conducted at the University of Surrey and was published in the journal Clinical Science. The researchers followed two groups of men -- with high or low levels of liver fat -- for 12 weeks.

Coke, what is it good for? (gafollowers.com)
High levels of liver fat is also known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). They then put them on a high-sugar or low-sugar diet to see if the amount of fat stored in their liver would influence the consequences of sugar on cardiovascular (CV) health.

What happens one hour after drinking a can of [sugar-laden] Coke? (pulptastic.com)
I'm as healthy as a (fat) horse.
The men with NAFLD had changes in their fat metabolism that have been linked to CV disease, heart attacks, and strokes. This wasn't necessarily surprising.

What was shocking to researchers was that the otherwise healthy men (those who had low liver fat at the beginning of the study) who consumed a high amount of sugar ended up with increased liver fat and changes in fat metabolism just like the men with NAFLD. 
Stop sucking that! I can't. I'm addicted.
In other words: Eating high amounts of sugar can alter fat metabolism and put us at risk for cardiovascular disease -- no matter how healthy you we!

This is one more reason to believe that heart disease has less to do with consuming fat or cholesterol and more to do with other aspects of the Standard American Diet (SAD), like inflammation and sugar. More
GRETCHEN LIDICKER is mindbodygreen.com’s associate health editor and has worked on the academic and clinical side of integrative medicine for years. Originally from Sedona, Arizona, she has a B.S. in biology and a Master’s degree in physiology with a concentration in complementary and alternative medicine from Georgetown Univ. She is a yoga instructor, farmers market fanatic, and believes that no day is complete without a good dance party.

Sugar addiction is a vicious cycle

The list of diseases that come from eating sugar is pages long. But, in a remarkable example of corporate cynicism, people who have sugar-induced irritability are being told to eat more sugar. Candy bar ads have even coined the term "hangry," when in reality eating a candy bar or drinking a sugar-packed soda is the worst thing you can do to address hunger and irritability. More

Poisoning kids? Modern slavery? Campaign to stop KILLERCOKE.org

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