Thursday, October 5, 2017

Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions

Russell Brand (; Seth Auberon, CC Liu (edd.), Wisdom Quarterly

A guide to all kinds of addiction from a star who has struggled with heroin, alcohol, sex, fame, food, and eBay, that will help addicts and their loved ones make the first steps into recovery.

“This manual for self-realization comes not from a mountain but from the mud... My qualification is not that I am better than you but I am worse.” Russell Brand
With a rare mix of honesty, humor, and compassion, comedian and movie star Russell Brand mines his own wild story and shares the advice and wisdom he has gained through his 14 years of recovery.

Brand (formerly Mr. Katy Perry) speaks to those suffering along the full spectrum of addiction -- from drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar addictions to addictions to work, stress, bad relationships, digital media, and fame.

I owe Russ $20 million. He won't claim it.
Brand understands that addiction can take many shapes and sizes and how the process of staying clean, sane, and unhooked is a daily activity.

He believes that the question is not, “Why are you addicted?” but "What pain is your addiction masking? Why are you running -- into the wrong job, the wrong life, the wrong person’s arms?"
Russell Brand has been in all the 12-step fellowships going. He’s started his own men’s group. He’s a therapy regular and a practiced yogi.

And while he’s worked on this material as part of his comedy and previous bestsellers, he’s never before shared the tools that really took him out of it, that keep him clean and clear. Here he provides not only a recovery plan but an attempt to make sense of the ailing world. More
Dr. Drew and Russell Brand in Los Angeles

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