Monday, October 30, 2017

School replaces detention with meditation; Amber Larson and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
No one can do meditation. "Meditation" is what happens when we get out of the way and quietly sit still. The mind moves to coherence with many benefits as its byproducts.
I bow and honor you with highest respect. You, too, teacher. I've found my cool.

Clean water, stress-free rest, good nutrition, yoga are secrets to being able to sit still.
School replaces detention with meditation with stunning results
Oh, it's nice! I'm not "doing" but allowing.
Imagine you're working at a school and kids start to act up? What would you do?

The typical answer is to discipline them. But there is one school helping them develop self-discipline instead, with great results.
Robert W. Coleman Elementary School has been doing something different when students act out: offering them meditation and yoga.

This room is not a standard detention room. It's filled with plush pillows and quiet but vibrant decorations.

Buddhist "novice" (samanera) in meditation
Kids are encouraged to sit in the room and go through practices like conscious breathing or meditation [allowing the mind to be while focusing on one thing rather than drifting off to a million things], helping them center themselves. 

They can talk through what happened if they wish.

Can white kids of all ages benefit from meditation and yoga, too? Only time will tell.

I can just be, be myself wherever I want.
The room also offers an after school program, Holistic Me, where pre-schoolers through fifth graders learn yoga and meditation.

Some are doubtful that energetic kids [labelled "ADHD" and force fed Ritalin, Adderall and other toxic adrenalines] can sit still and meditate. But they can.

Instructions: How can I start meditating?
"It's amazing," Kirk Philips, the Holistic Me coordinator at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School said. "You wouldn't think that little kids meditate in silence. But they do."

Holistic Life Foundation Co-founder Andres Gonzalez told Oprah magazine, "We've had parents tell us, 'I came home stressed out the other day, and my daughter said, "Hey, Mom, you need to sit down. I will teach you how to breathe."'

"Kids" can do amazing things like this novice.
Robert W. Coleman Elementary tells us there were zero suspensions last year and also zero so far this year. Other schools report benefiting from meditation, too.

Although meditation is an ancient practice, programs like these show they still have an enormous [beneficial] impact on modern-day life. PHOTOS

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