Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Is Matt Lauer a rapist? Cell phones spy; racism

CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly
NBC News’ firing of Matt Lauer today was met with shock by some, anything but by others.
Ask "Pocahontas" (Sen. Warren) about Lauer
Is this mainstream media mouthpiece a rapist? “Matt Lauer fired by NBC News over allegation of 'inappropriate sexual behavior'” It would be easier to believe that sexist Lauer raped an underling than to think that Bill Cosby did, and we all pretty much know Cosby did (allegedly).

NBC fires Matt Lauer over sexual misconduct allegation 
Matt Lauer is a rapist! Stop the MSM!
( The reckoning over sexual harassment in the workplace claimed another leading television personality today (Wednesday) when NBC fired its leading morning news anchor, Matt Lauer, over a sexual harassment allegation. “On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about...
Sports doctor Larry Nassar, child molester
"Wow, Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for 'inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace,'" the president tweeted. Trump, who has also made headlines about sexual harassment  [for his casual comments about grabbing women by the cats and has 16 allegations pending against him] recently for reportedly questioning the Access Hollywood tape of him making vulgar comments about women after publicly...
Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman, 15, was also molested by Dr. Larry Nassar (AP)

How long before Garrison knock off Chris Thile is charged for sex crimes? 
    Matt Lauer fired from Today due to “inappropriate sexual behavior ( Today” show co-host Matt Lauer has been fired from NBC due to inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.
    My phone is spying on me: here's how

    As we walk around carrying our own prisoner ankle bracelets in our hands, staring at a screen, telling it all we know and think, cell towers are tracking our every move, even when it's "off." (A "cell" is  an electronic/wifi square on a grid, and the phone pins to report in, transferring data on us behind our back. "Oh, don't worry" says Big Brother and his media apologists. "It's all innocent. We would never spy on you").

    Unless the battery is physically removed, taken completely out, and many phones no longer have that option, our every move is being traced and a file is being kept by third party servers the government/police has easy access to, no warrant or subpoena or probable cause necessary. It's all part of the slippery slope. Next, even these non-barriers will be taken down, giving police direct access to the records.

    Bella Hadid,Better to keep them in the hands of the phone companies, that way no one says "Big Brother" has them, because they are freely shared with police, collected for police (and business), and done for the sake of creating a turnkey police state, a dystopian authoritarian world as described in Huxley's Brave New World more than Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. 

    Gov't spying and harassment
    Gov't spying and harassment (C2C)
    AT&T is spying on Americans for profit (, Oct. 25, 2016) “Merritt was in a position to access the cellular telephone make use of the company's massive trove of data, according to AT&T...

    Cellphone data spying: It's not just the NSA (, Dec. 8, 2013) Cellphone data spying: It's not just the NSA... About one in four law-enforcement agencies have used a tactic known as a "tower dump," which gives police data... Organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union...

    Who remembers the real 400 year old Pocahontas?
    Feds detail how they secretly track Americans' phones (, Oct. 21, 2015) Police use Stingray devices to spoof cell phone towers like this one in Sudbury... Are they deleting the data as soon as the mission is over? ...planes loaded with Stingrays to spy on Americans' cell phones across the country.

    Americans' cellphones targeted in secret U.S. spy program ( Devices on Planes that mimic cellphone towers used to target...of Americans phone records, in that it scoops up large volumes of data in...

    Yup, I can see why Trump talks about her.
    Researchers sniff out Stingrays with ridesharing cars (, June 2, 2017) Researchers use ridesharing cars to sniff out a secret spying tool... They used the results to map out practically every cell tower in the cities of Seattle and... How Baltimore Became America's Laboratory for Spy Tech... resulting data to the group's server, and an Android phone running an older program...

    All I did was touch her!
    Pervert? "I didn't do nuthin!"
    (NY Times) Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) said today that it was severing all business ties with Garrison Keillor, the creator and retired host of “A Prairie Home Companion,” after allegations of “inappropriate behavior with an individual who worked with him [touching a woman's naked back, not butt, back].” Over four decades, Mr. Keillor, 75, had created a financial juggernaut for the [] radio network with his weekly broadcast of songs, skits, and tales... More
    Cops need a warrant to grab your cell tower data, Florida Court [until today, not that they were bothering to request one]... (, Oct. 17, 2014) Americans may have a Florida drug dealer to thank for expanding our right to privacy. ...spy tool to track people through their mobile phones—often without obtaining a... the phone's location with greater precision than they can using data.... When a mobile user's phone pings nearby cell towers, the user is...

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