Friday, December 22, 2017

Abby Martin tells of her Awakening (video)

Abby Martin (Empire Files, TeleSUR), TheLipTV (8/27/13); Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Abby Martin on and her work at RT
Abby Martin has become a new media superstar with her whip-smart take on truth telling and cutting through bullsh*t to deliver American news on RT (Russia Today).

TheLipTV invites her to discuss being labelled as propaganda for Russia, the 9/11 truth movement, Dr. Ron Paul and his son Rand's presidential bids, and much more on this interview with Buzzsaw.
Who's Abby Martin? Let's ask Abby Martin
When UC San Diego graduate Abby Martin ( began streaming her thoughts and emotions through a paint brush at 19, she discovered her niche.

The elaborate and intricate detail that flows from her onto the canvas in a perfect distribution of dots and swirls reflects this introspective artist's ability to juggle and organize the chaos of the human mind into a comprehensive piece of fully charged beauty.

The explosive energy of each piece calls to life with psychedelic force the different realities Abby Martin treads as she deconstructs the world around her in constant search of balance and truth.

Vladdy, can you cancel Abby Martin on RT?
Whether reflecting on the natural world or the manmade world, the awakening or deadening of consciousness, cultural controlling opposites, the power of the mystic and all that is unknown, the condition of the social, the construction of the economic, or the corruption of the political, Martin's work displays an intense passion for life and her deep desire to engage others in her vision.

Over the previous seven years [prior to 2013] a variety of different venues in San Diego and the San Francisco Bay Area have exhibited Martin's paintings. She is now living in the Belly of the Beast in the Heart of Babylon (Washington, DC) hosting her own television show "Breaking the Set."

Abby Martin developed her own new show, "The Empire Files"
EPISODE BREAKDOWN: 00:01 Welcome to Buzzsaw. 00:40 Introducing Abby Martin and season 1 of Breaking the Set. 02:45 Highlights and lowlights of season 1? 04:45 "What brought you into politics?" 07:31 Media roots and cataloging information. 09:35 Coming up on season 2... 10:05 Sourcing stories to cover. 10:40 Propaganda for Russia? 12:35 Doing battle with Larry King. 14:55 Winning the information war? 16:50 Citizens changing the system. 20:00 Paintings and making art. 21:30 Attacking Conspiracy theories. 23:10 Zeitgeist and reinventing the wheel. 24:20 Looking at Ron and Rand Paul and the presidency. 27:15 Common enemies of the right and left. 29:50 Women in the conspiracy world. 31:45 Occupy rises and falls. 33:40 Obama stays the course (and then some) in Iraq. 35:55 Looking ahead and what's next.

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