Monday, December 11, 2017

FREE 7-day meditation retreat (Ven. Rahula)

Bhante Rahula (; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
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American Buddhist monk Ven. Yogavacara Rahula, author of the drug-fueled travel memoir One Night's Shelter, will lead a 7-day mindfulness, insight-meditation, and yoga retreat in Southern California in January 2018. 

One Night's Shelter (Bhante Rahula)

One Night's Shelter (Ven. Rahula)
This candid and highly readable autobiography of the well-known American Buddhist monk Bhante Rahula describes his transformation from a G.I. and drug dealing hippie to ascetic contemplative in the Theravada tradition of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. The unvarnished accounts caused some stir, as Ven. Rahula describes dealing drugs and getting arrested for smuggling a kilo of hashish from Afghanistan prior to his spiritual conversion. He is now most well-known for integrating Hatha Yoga with Vipassana (Buddhist insight-meditation). See Ven. Rahula's DhammaTube video clips on youtube,, or 

Who is Bhante Rahula?
Bhante Rahula, or Ven. Yogavacara Rahula (Scott Joseph DuPrez), was born in Southern California in 1948, ordained as a novice in Sri Lanka in 1975, and took higher ordination in Thailand in 1979. He lived in West Virginia at  Bhavana Society Forest Monastery from 1986 to 2010, after which he has been on indefinite tour as an itinerant monk in the U.S. and Asia, often traveling to and hiking in the Himalayas.

He recently (Dec. 10, 2017) held an excellent one-day mindfulness meditation retreat in Los Angeles. He is planning a FREE 7-day mindfulness meditation (vipassana) and yoga retreat in Banning, California. Sign up now.

Retreatants may stay seven or fewer days as indicated on their retreat applications. Free or by donation (dana). This class funds Ven. Rahula's continued itinerant travel, teaching, and workshops around the world, like next year's Global Mindfulness Summit in Buddhist Sri Lanka.

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