Wednesday, December 13, 2017

"My Brother, Buddhist Monk" (documentary)

Tapio Haaja (video); Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
"My Brother, Buddhist Monk" (multiple language subtitles)
Santeri, 26, decides to become a Theravada Buddhist monk in Thailand, ready to give up everything he has in Finland. His sister (the director of the documentary, Anja Ahola) wants to understand her brother's great decision to leave behind his possessions, friends, and family and to become a Buddhist ascetic for the rest of his life.
Director and Photography: Anja Ahola
Editing: Anja Ahola and Suvi West Online Editing
Color Correction and Graphics: Tapio Haaja
Sound Mixing: Pekka Kumpulainen and Tapio Haaja
Music: Taylor Hayward, Arahan, traditional Buddhist chants with contemporary music
Camera at the Ordination: Taylor Sundheim
Translators: Tiina Kinnunen, Phra Colin Jotipañño, Tomek Roksela / and
Production Support: Timo Korhonen / AVEK Producer / YLE: Pentti Väliahdet
Production Coordinator: Maria Ahola
Production: Ima Filbma-ja Sátneduodji and Anja Ahola
Special thanks to: Wat Marp Jan Forest Monastery and Ven. Abbot Ajahn Anan Akiñcano
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