Thursday, December 7, 2017

White killer cop given 20 years for murder

Associated Press (; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
But all I did was kill an [n-word]. All the guys at the station brag about doing it.
Lots of cops kill blacks! Why jail me?
Through tears, [murdered black motorist Walter] Scott's family told [racist killer cop] Slager they felt sorrow for him and the loss his young children would feel in his absence.

In the end, a judge sentenced Slager to 20 years in prison [instead of a death penalty for capital murder with extenuating circumstances like felony murder under color of law and civil rights abuses for Officer Slager's racist motivations], giving the Scott family the justice they had sought ever since a stranger came to them with the shocking video of [Officer Slager repeatedly shooting] Scott [as he was] being killed [by yet another racist cop in South Carolina].
"I forgive Michael Slager. I forgive you," Scott's [good Christian] mother, Judy, said as she turned toward her son's killer. "I pray for you, that you would repent and let Jesus come in your life." Sitting just a few feet away, Slager wiped tears from his eyes and mouthed: "I'm sorry [or perhaps mumbled the n-word as he might have done during the murder of black motorist Walter Scott]."

Murder in the 1st degree in progress, but Officer Slager allowed to plea to lesser charges.
Since when do Black Lives Matter?
The punishment wrapped up a case that became a rallying cry for the Black Lives Matter movement. Slager, 36, is one of only a few police officers to go to prison for a fatal shooting, and his sentence is by far the stiffest since the shootings came under extra scrutiny in recent years.
Attorneys [lying] for the former North Charleston officer said he shot the 50-year-old Scott in self-defense after the two fought and Scott grabbed Slager's stun gun. They said race didn't play a role in the shooting and Slager never had any "racial animus" toward minorities [and that when Officer Slager moved the stun gun next to the corpse, he was just? He wasn't defending himself then, just cooking the crime scene to get away with murder were it not for video of the murder].
Still, Slager pleaded guilty in federal court to violating Scott's civil rights. As part of a plea agreement reached in May, prosecutors dropped state murder charges. "This is a tragedy that shouldn't have happened," U.S. District Judge David Norton said [but, you know, no need to ruin Officer Slager's whole life over it. I'll give him 20 years, let him out on appeal or early for good behavior as he's treated like a king by racist prison guards housing him in protective custody]. More

Cops have been going bad and murdering civilians for a long time. Shown here is the infamous "Dalton Gang," who had police among them who became criminals, murderers and thieves, in the Wild West (

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