Monday, January 1, 2018

Impeach Trump for SEX CRIMES? (video)

Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; The President Show; Pakka; CNN; Stephen Colbert; Amy Goodman (; Special Head
The Don, the new boss, Juan Trumpo.
This Democracy Now! special looks at the growing movement of people calling on Pres. Don Trump to resign over multiple claims of sexual harassment and assault.

The renewed calls come amid the international #MeToo movement, in which women across the world have come forward to accuse a slew of powerful men of sexual harassment, assault, and rape.

Get your free government prophylactics.
Meanwhile, three of the 16 women who have publicly accused Trump of sexual harassment held a press conference last month in New York demanding that Congress take action.

The women shared accounts in which they said Trump groped, fondled, and forcibly kissed them. Two of them appeared today. Samantha Holvey, a former Miss USA contestant for North Carolina when Trump owned the pageant, is one.

The other is Jessica Leeds, who describes what happened to her when she encountered Donny in the first-class cabin of a commercial flight in 1979. More

Obey. Shut up. MAGA (They Live!)
Tax giveaways to the rich, the fewer than One Percenters -- like Jeff Bezos who is now worth in excess of $100 billion and Trump, who is worthless and worth less than a billion.

The destruction with FCC Republican and former Verizon attorney Ajit Pai of Obama's Net Neutrality rules so that a few duopolies can make even more money and keep tighter control on any alternative media.

Trump does it, we all does it, used to does it.
Supporter of a known child molester and pedophile, Judge Roy Moore, for the Senate in spite of his party, the "Grand Old Party" (GOP) of the Republicans.

Anti-freedom of religion, anti-Muslim, who said he'd get us out of Afghanistan where we have no business but now understands it's all about business so is keeping us in and INCREASING troop levels and warmongering even more than the uber-peaceful Nobel Peace Laureate and hypocrite Obama, who is enjoying a big new mansion (the largest in D.C., formerly owned by the richest man in the world, who bought it for $23 million) for playing ball with the Big Boys (shadow government/deep state) who demand constant war for money.

Snort Coke? Never snorted Coke. O, this? Pepsi
Maybe, after all, there will be a wall. Oh and then there are those rape, molestation, and harassment allegations by 16 women. All hail the leader and chief. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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