Monday, January 8, 2018

UnF*CKology: Field Guide to Living with Guts

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; BMC; Nuclear Rabbit, "My Girl's Got Guts"; Amy Alkon (, Caitlin Plummer (AirTalk with Larry Mantle/KPCC)

Nuclear Rabbit "My Girl's Got Guts" (see crude, comical, and potentially offensive lyrics below)

Amy Alkon presents Unf*ckology, a “science-help” book that knocks the self-help genre on its unscientific @ss.

We can finally stop fear from being our boss and put an end to our lifelong social suckage.
Have we spent our lives shrinking from opportunities we were dying to seize but felt, “That’s just who we are”?

Well, screw that! We can actually change, and it doesn’t take exceptional intelligence or a therapist who’s looking forward to finally buying a private island after decades of listening to us yammer on.
Transforming ourselves takes revolutionary science-help from author Amy Alkon, who has spent the past 20 years translating cutting-edge behavioral science into highly practical advice in her award-winning syndicated column.

In Unf*ckology, Alkon pulls together findings from neuroscience, behavioral science, evolutionary psychology, and clinical psychology.

Goods Manners for Nice People Who...Say F*ck
She explains everything in language we won’t need a psych professor on speed-dial to understand ― and with the biting dark humor that made Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck such a great read.

She debunks widely-accepted but scientifically unsupported notions about self-esteem, shame, willpower, and more and demonstrates that:
  • Thinking our way into changing (as so many therapists and self-help books advise) is the most inefficient way to go about it.
  • The "mind" is bigger than the brain, meaning that our body and our behavior are our gym for turning ourselves into the new, confident us.
  • Fear is not just the problem, it’s also the solution.
  • By targeting our fears with behavior, we make changes in our brain that reshape our habitual ways of behaving and the emotions that go with them.
Follow Alkon's groundbreaking advice in Unf*ckology, and eventually we’ll no longer need to act like the new us, we’ll become the new us. And how totally f*cking cool is that? Cool AF. (Stop saying the F-word now). More 
LYRICS: "My Girl's Got Guts"
The human body is beautiful, but it's deceptive. To cure the deception: asubha meditation

Guts bikini (
My girl's got guts she lets me borrow
Don't have to ask her when I want to take them out
When it gets cold I wear them like a scarf
Wrap them around my neck her big intestinal tract
My girl's got guts
She does
My girl's got guts
My girl's got guts

I'll just have to double dutch with her guts
Use 'em like a bungee cord
Hook 'em to the door drag 'em across the floor
Her guts are smooth no need to pull a jack move

Reach in her *ss and pull put a foot or two
When I get hungry her guts

They make a great snack
Chop 'em up and put 'em in my backpack

I've got guts.
Sprinkle 'em with sauce
I give her guts a good toss
When I'm done grubbing
I use that sh*t for dental floss
Looks like a tail my girl's entrails
Leaving a trail that I can't ignore

My girl's got bowels
I whip like towels

I grip those bowels and I'll never let them go
Don't need a rubber her guts will cover my little lover
Swinging from a tree just her guts and me

Wish my friends could see just her guts and me

Swinging from a tree just her guts and me
Wish my friends could see just her guts and me
One intestine two intestine three

My girl's got guts her guts gots me

I take them in the back room use 'em as a broom
And when I'm out driving my girl's guts go vroom vroom vroom
'Cause when I'm in a race and I needs to be in first place

Those guts they catapult me to the proper place

Siskel and Ebert gave my girl's guts the thumbs up
'Cause those dope motherf*ckers

Know what's up her butt
That's right my girl's got guts so now what

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