Friday, February 16, 2018

Black in a racist society inventing music (video)

Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Black Panther

(Black Panther) For Black History Month let's go to the African country of Wakanda to see how blacks really live. Although this is Africa and Wakanda is real, it's important to remember that it is located in the Marvel Universe. Still, the whole human world will get top notch entertainment starting this weekend.

Rock god and innovator Jimi Hendrix's best solo performance (Biography and Life Story)
Impersonator (The John Butcher Axis) doing Jimi Hendrix's mega hit "Crosstown Traffic"

James Brown innovates on the T.A.M.I. Show, and Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones blatantly copies the moves he has just seen. He's got "moves like Jagger" as Adam Levine would say, but they would seem to really be moves like James Brown.

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