Monday, February 5, 2018

Chemtrails: Weather as Weapon (live)


Look up. It's hard to believe that our earth (Bhumi, Tierra, Gaia) and her atmosphere are being weaponized before our very eyes, but this is exactly what is happening.

This presentation by Elana Freeland ( is a FREE event and donations are accepted. There is free parking behind the building. It is hosted by Los Angeles Sky Watch ( and Frank Dorrel.

  • Saturday, Feb. 10, 7:00-9:00 PM (doors at 6:30 PM)
  • THE PEACE CENTER, 3916 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City 90230
  • South of Venice Bl., btwn Ramada Inn and Catholic Bookstore
  • For more information contact: Marcia at (310) 478-8828 or Joe at
Our weather is manmade (
Elana Freeland is a brilliant investigative author, speaker, and teacher who exhaustively documented these programs in her 2014 book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth.

California drought is being done on purpose. A directed energy weapon is also being used.

Under an Ionized Sky (Elana Freedland)
Freeland details how chemical aerosols whiting out our skies and ionospheric heaters (HAARP machines) work together to assure 24/7 military operations to gain global control, which includes weather modification called geoengineering.

Freeland's new book, Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown, exposes geoengineering as a tool of the  Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex for global control over all life on the planet.

We are already living in a militarized Space Age that is taking technocratic control over human society. The manmade California drought, dangerous "smart" meters, disguised cell phone towers, and newer 5G antennas are all part of the same scheme ensnaring us.
Self-empowerment and working together are keys to counteracting this dark collusion put in place without our consent.

Come hear what is never to be heard on CNN (a CIA-controlled media outlet in the US, different from their international feeds outside of the US). More

The man who secretly pulls Pres. Trump's strings knows all about chemtrails. Bigly.

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