Sunday, March 25, 2018

Let's question ANTI-gun protesters (video)

Brian Young (, High Impact Flix, March 24, 2018);; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Let's ban guns and live in a police state of government protection, please! (

March For Our Lives protesters unmasked:
"We Want Untrustworthy Government in Control"?

#Enough. Enough is enough? Do you trust the government? No! I don't either. Do you want to stop gun violence? Yes! Me, too.

Do you want guns banned? Yes! Who do you want to ban the guns? The government. The government you don't trust? Uhhh.

Who's pulling your strings, writing out your list of official demands, producing your videos and events? We are! We're doing it ourselves! Nobody's helping us (except police, principals, government, and all the people we don't trust). I guess we CAN trust them! Trust them to take away all of our rights, you mean? Yeah.

We want more police and government control
While we're banning bump stocks to get at all guns (because as the famous speaker on the stage, Emma Gonzalez, just said, "When they give us an inch, let's take a mile"), let's also ban cellphones in the hands of teens. Why? I need my cellphone! Drivers with cellphones kill thousands of innocent people every year, way more than "assault weapons." Really?

  • Pew Research Center: Public Trust in Government: 1958-2017 (, May 3, 2017) Public trust in the government remains near historic lows. Only 18% of Americans today say they can trust the government in DC to do...
  • Pew: Americans don't trust government and are angry about it (, Dec. 2017) Public trust in government's ability to solve major problems remains near a historic low, according to a new national poll by the Pew Research Center. Only 18 percent...said they trust the federal government to do the right thing...
  • I Don't Trust The Government (Facebook) Governments world-wide have participated in acts of violence and tyranny... [Most people are killed by their own government, which is called "democide." When shot, it is usually with government guns in the hands of government authorities, police and soldiers. You want them (the government) to have guns but deprive us and yourself of protection?]

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