Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Beyond The Grave: The Afterlife" (video)

DocSpot (video); Dr. Long; Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

There are some big concepts the Buddha made clear, distinguishing the Buddha-Dharma from other ancient Indian teachings. While the Brahmins studied and taught the Vedas, which Hinduism claims as its oldest roots, the Buddha said NO to the Vedas.

He rejected them as absolute authority. To the problem of samsara ("The Continued Wander On through Rebirth") he found a different solution than another rebirth in the heavens.

Other popular religions (Christianity, Islam, Jainism...) promise that rebirth in "heaven" is best. But the Buddha said all of these heavens, and there are many, are actually:
  • impermanent, though long lasting.
  • unsatisfactory/disappointing, though very pleasant.
  • impersonal, though they may appear as "our true home" (because having been there, we were there for a long time).
Prajna Paramita personified
Neither the Buddha nor fully enlightened disciples are sitting in a heaven, a human plane, or a hell, of which there are many of each.

They have awakened from this illusion and transcended all states of suffering. The Buddha called this awakening (bodhi) the path to nirvana.

But nirvana is a tricky word we will necessarily misunderstand according to our bias as either "eternal life" for spiritual types or "annihilation" for scientific types.

It "can't" be anything else; it "must" be one or the other. But it is something else, something altogether different (the unconditioned element). People will not know that unless and until they transcend this illusion and escape to reality.

Many "heavens" (sagga), many "Gods," many worlds in 31 Planes of Existence

Doctor claims evidence of afterlife: Dr. Long on the Today Show
(Anewpersonalparadigm, Nov. 20, 2010) Dr. Jeffrey Long was on the Today Show on Jan. 20, 2010. This is a short near-death experience (NDE) video because it's always interesting to hear the stories of NDE survivors. They can provide consistent evidence for our survival beyond physical death, which makes for fertile ground and fascinating perspectives in the Atheist vs. Theist debate.

Dr. Long and Paul Perry wrote Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences.

“There is currently more scientific evidence to the reality of near death experience (NDE) than there is for how to effectively treat certain forms of cancer,” states radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long is his groundbreaking new book Evidence of the Afterlife
In 1998 Dr. Long and his wife, Jody, began the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (nderf.org) with the goal of creating a forum for near death “experiencers” to share their stories.
Grounded in first-hand evidence culled from over 1,600 verified NDE accounts, Evidence of the Afterlife presents the strongest argument yet for the underlying truth of those who have died and returned to share their tales. More

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