Thursday, May 24, 2018

☿ Liberation: Ireland's Condom Train (video); Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Contraceptive Train ran on May 22, 1971. Feminists from the Irish Women's Liberation Movement bought condoms, spermicidal jelly, and aspirin (in place of the pill) to give out.

The Condom Train incident
What's the big fuss then? Ya eat these?
There is a new tribute to the 1971 Contraceptive Train, which changed Ireland's sexual landscape forever: a musical has been written about the Irish women's movement.

One Saturday morning in May 1971, 49 Irish women changed the social landscape of Ireland when they took a train from Belfast to Dublin.
Power to ♀☿ of the world!
The women were part of the Irish Women’s Liberation Movement, and they made news all over the world when they brought condoms down from Northern Ireland [UK], while contraception was illegal in the Republic [of Ireland].

It was a landmark moment in the Irish women’s movement, which became known as the contraceptive train. The story is being brought to the stage next month in the form of a musical, The Train. 
Beginning split between Church and State
We could use more condoms in U.S.
While contraception was available in the North, the women couldn’t get their hands on the pill on the trip as they didn’t have a prescription, so they bought large amounts of condoms.
They also decided to buy hundreds of aspirin tablets [to mimic the pill] and publicly swallowed them at the station, as customs officials wouldn’t immediately know the difference.
India still won't allow saucy condom ads.
Director of The Train and Rough Magic Artistic Director Lynne Parker said, “The IWLM and The Contraceptive Train marked the beginning of the split between Church and State -- a schism that is ongoing.” More

Hey, YOU, prevent pregnancy with easy contraception. Sign banned in U.S. and Ireland.

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