Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Vesak: Buddha's Birthday celebration (May 29)

DIMC; Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Crystal Quintero, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

Dhammakaya Int'l Meditation Center, Azusa
Dhammakaya International Meditation Center (DIMC) is a Theravada Thai Buddhist center. On this sacred night, people from every Buddhist tradition participate. FREE.

Vesak Day (the Buddha's birthday, enlightenment day, and passing into final-nirvana day) is the most important holiday in Buddhism.

"World peace through inner peace"
It commemorates the life of the historical Buddha marking the anniversary of three major events in the Buddha’s life that all occurred on the full moon day of the sixth lunar month called Vesak.

Come participate in a Peace Point Meditation and candle-lighting ceremony. Dress in white. RSVP FREE.

Ancient stone relief of early Indian Buddhists (monks on the left, a lay couple on the right, with statues behind them) circumambulating a stupa (reliquary) in a chaitya temple (wiki).
Dharma Meditation Initiative - MARC.ucla.edu - DisclosureProject.org
    Design we will lay out with lit candles
  • 6:30 PM Registration
  • 7:00 PM Welcome by presiding monk, brief speech by honored guest
  • 7:15 PM Offering of requisites to monastic community (Sangha), chanting and blessings by Sangha
  • 7:40 PM Meditation
  • 8:00 PM Candlelight circumambulation
  • Lighting of ceremonial lanterns
  • Candlelight Vigil for World Peace
  • 8:30 PM ceremony ends/commemorative gifts for all
Arrangement of chairs, clad in white, in front of Dhammakaya Center, Azusa, 2017 (WQ)

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