Thursday, June 28, 2018

Dream Meditation (June 28, Los Angeles)

Ananda M. (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Maya, the Buddha's mother, has a dream.
Insomnia, worry, stress...they all MELT away as we begin to soothe the mind in serenity meditation.

Then what dreams may come? We'll talk about sleep and actually practice it.

When we sleep very deeply, we can emerge refreshed and be mindful to practice easily staying in the present.

Blissful is the rest of one who knows and sees.
Otherwise, we remain exhausted trying to cope. What profound states can be touched by attending to sleep and dreams? We'll find out.
Meditation, community, Eastern wisdom
Bring a towel or pillow as we undertake to restore body and mind with meditation made easy. Tea will be served and we will plan a fun group visit and picnic to see the Independent Shakespeare Company's production of the comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream (free in Griffith Park).

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