Monday, June 11, 2018

Mike Catherwood (Swole Patrol) visits KROQ

KROQ, June 5, '18; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, C. Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly
Tweeter Mike Catherwood has his own podcast with Dr. Drew and guests: Swole Patrol
Crazy Dr. Shawn Baker invents "all meat diet" and looks like cr*p (Mike&Drew/Swole Patrol).
After being fired from KABC AM for being too much when someone safer, though less funny, was needed, drug addict Mike D. Catherwood reappeared at his old stomping ground, KROQ (106.7 FM). He was the second most successful co-host of Loveline behind Adam Corolla.

Mike Catherwood was thrown off of Dr. Drew Midday Live to make room for Lauren
Then he was disappeared  apparently to make room for Allie MacKay or because the same problems he brought to "Dr. Drew Midday Live" followed him to the "Kevin & Bean Show." It's not as if they were paying him to show up, so it's strange that neither Kevin Ryder nor Gene "Bean" Baxter would stand up for him at the station to become a regular feature on their morning show.

Latino comedian Mike Catherwood was tossed off of Kevin & Bean to make room for Allie
I need a job. I'll do a podcast! (Ralph Garman)
The K&B Show is in desperate need of HUMOR after the firing of failed actor-comedian Ralph Garman, who lost his other job with Kevin Smith "Hollywood Babble On" due to a heart attack, Smith's not his own. Mysteriously, the day Mike comes in for a visit, Allie MacKay is absent.
  • Are they not able to work together?
  • Was she out in protest that he was coming in?
  • Does he creep her out?
  • Did they use him to fill in knowing she was going to be out?
  • What's going on there? (Don't expect K&B to tell. They'll do anything to stay in the good graces of their corporate overlords, including getting everyone else fired so they can keep their fat paydays, cutting off longtime friends like Lisa May (picked up by FHF at KLOS 95.5 FM), kissing up to Allie, or going without humor on a "comedy" show.
To hell with Lisa May (R) then with Ralph (L)
On June 4th, suddenly here was Psycho Mike being announced as the next day's special guest. He was just coming in to talk about health, diet, and building muscle for the impending summer.

We have to fit in those swimsuits somehow, and we are all fat, flabby, or both -- even in the sexiest state in the union, Californication. Catherwood appeared on June 5th, and here's the show: Also on the show "Alex Jones," "LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa" on Election Day, Kanye West's new drop (cr*p), and more but no Allie.

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