Monday, June 11, 2018

Psychedelic research at UCLA (Dr. Grob)

MARC, BRI; Crystal Quintero, Ananda M., CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
MARC ("Mindful Awareness Research Center") at UCLA studies Buddhist meditation
I used to think UCLA was a bunch of elitist a-holes from the South Bay and westside.
Dr. Charles Grob studies MDMA at UCLA
“Hallucinogens were really the cutting edge of psychiatric research.”
— Dr. Charles Grob, UCLA professor of clinical psychiatry, in a July 9 Bloomberg article about research that found that small doses of the hallucinogen ketamine ("Special K") may help lessen symptoms in [or cure] patients with depression.

(Ethnomusicology, Feb. 4, 2018) Does non-Western music sound more familiar under the label of “psychedelic”? Does the label become less efficient once applied outside...

 UCLA archivists put Ken Kesey's psychedelic "Magic Trip" on...
(Sept. 22, 2011) Counterculture truth-seeker Ken Kesey and his loyal troupe of LSD-influenced hipsters, the acid-laced Merry Pranksters, have once again rolled into the...

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