Monday, July 2, 2018

3 Ways To Be Unf**kwithable (video)

Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley Academy; Dave Kong, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"What if I were enough?" Vishen Lakhiani collaborates with top masterminds to teach how incredibly simple it is to hack our past, present, and future and be completely unf**kwithable (unflappable). Like this stuff? Consider becoming a Mindvalley Academy member for more juicy goodness. Sick of doing ridiculous things for outside approval? What? Like memorizing all the lyrics to "Ice, Ice, Baby" by Vanilla Ice to impress the cool kids?

Whatever happens, it doesn't F with me.
Wish to live fearlessly, be immune to criticism, and feel truly at peace? If so, this is the path to being totally unf**kwithable — and in this spicy A-Fest talk, Vishen Lakhiani helps get us there in the fastest, simplest way possible. He shares the stage with masterminds Dave Asprey, Marisa Peer, and Sonia Choquette to demonstrate three simple hacks to that state. Together, they walk us through the shocking, scientific power of radical forgiveness — and how it even improves our physical biology.

These are kensho moments. They dive into the life-saving power of realizing that I am (and you are) enough, share a presence exercise (being mindful, being here now) that will help us dissolve stress (in any moment), and more. The moral of the video? Being unf**kwithable is easier than anyone thinks.
  • 1. The first hack: Radical Forgiveness 15:03 
  • Learning forgiveness 20:46
  • Interesting facts about forgiveness 25:16 
  • 2. The second hack: Realizing You Are Enough 35:54 
  • 3. The third hack: Becoming Present 40:49 
  • Quick recap
Unf*ckology: A Field Guide to Living
If you would appreciate some extra help learning how to forgive, check out this enlightening video on forgiveness ( Also, listen to Vishen Lakhiani’s Six Phase Meditation (, which includes a powerful forgiveness exercise. To hear more from Marisa Peer about being enough, watch her deeply inspiring talk, The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity (
ABOUT A-FEST BY MINDVALLEY: A-Fest is an invite-only transformational event that gathers an extraordinary community of change-makers and visionaries who are driven by epic ideas to impact the world -- entrepreneurs, employees, artists, leaders, innovators, visionaries and more. Take the first step to joining us in paradise by applying for an invite here: 
ABOUT MINDVALLEY: Mindvalley is developing an online university for all ages focused on transformational education. They organize real-world curated events and produce programs in every area of transformation including mind, body, and performance.

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