Thursday, September 20, 2018

Getting UNstuck with Pema Chodron (audio)

American Tibetan Shambhala nun Pema Chodron ( via SoundsTrue and Roy of Hollywood (KPFK); CC Liu, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Buddhist Contemplative TraditionBuddhist teacher, author, mother, and nun Pema Chodron has inspired millions of people from around the world.
They have been touched by her example and message of practicing peace in these turbulent times (When Things Fall Apart).
The Pema Chodron Foundation is dedicated to preserving and sharing Pema Chodron’s inspiration and teachings in order that they might help us all awaken wisdom and compassion in ourselves and the world around us. 

On the website ( learn more about her work, teachings, and publications as well as the vision of the Pema Chodron Foundation, which supports... More

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