Friday, October 12, 2018

Blurred Lines: Sex, Power, Consent (audio)

(Fresh Air, 10/11/18); Crystal Q., Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
How notions of Sex, Power, and Consent are changing in college

Blurred Lines author Vanessa Grigoriadis says female college students were once told to protect themselves from sexual assault by learning self-defense. Now, the focus is on changing men's behavior.
TERRY GROSS (Transcript): The Kavanaugh hearings and confirmation raised the question again, How do we decide who to believe when a woman says she was sexually assaulted by someone she knows behind a closed door and the man denies it? That's an issue universities have been grappling with.
Guest Vanessa Grigoriadis is the author of Blurred Lines: Sex, Power, and Consent on Campus. Over the course of three years, she interviewed 120 students from 20 universities, spoke with nearly 80 administrators and experts, and read dozens of case reports.

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She says that while writing the book, she witnessed a historic moment when survivors moved from the shadows to the spotlight, first on campus, and then nationwide with the #MeToo movement. Grigoriadis is a contributing editor at The New York Times Magazine and Vanity Fair and has won a National Magazine Award.

It turns out, pretty far. What entitlement.
You know, you write in your book that there's a new understanding of what rape and sexual assault means that started on college campuses, but with the #MeToo movement, it spread beyond campuses.

What did the Kavanaugh hearings and confirmation tell you about how far that new understanding has spread? I guess what I'm asking you is this, If the Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee had gone to college campuses, what... More

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