Saturday, October 6, 2018

How to fly (video)

XTreme Video; HBO; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Dude, what's this samadhi y'all are talking about? That sounds rad.
(XTreme Video) Five Mind-Blowing Wingsuit Fly-Bys
"A fly-by is a flight past a point, especially the close approach of a spacecraft to a planet for observation." In this case it refers to proximity flying, one of the most engaged disciplines to emerge out of BASE Jumping. Witness the most incredible wingsuit fly-by ever done and check out the original videos and athletes in the description...
WingSuiting is the deadliest sport in the world: Real Sports (HBO)
Leaping off mountains wearing only a wingsuit may be thrilling, but it's also incredibly dangerous with 1:20 dying in the process. Yet, those flyers who are pushing the bounds of safety show no signs of slowing down. Connect with HBO Online Find HBO on or follow on and

If you want to fly, according to Douglas Adams, simply throw yourself at the ground...and miss. Another good way is buy a ticket and get on a major airline. Look, if the great Evolution had wanted us to fly, it would have given us wings or at least a longer tail. What if there were a way to glide, to hang glide, to dive through the air like a flying squirrel? Go the way of Felix Baumgartner and just jump from space. If the drop doesn't kill you, a heart attack might. (That was likely faked and bogus but with the backing of big money, so who dares to question it? We're sure it's just what it seems because who couldn't go eight Gs, faint, and come back in time to pull the rip cord and land a parachute, right? Right). There is also the Buddhist way, true flying, sitting crosslegged in the air and levitating by an act of will after mastering and emerging from the absorptions (jhanas, dhyanas). Everyone knows "concentration" is the secret to magic. It's just that almost know one knows the real meaning of concentration. It is not hankering and straining. It is gaining a coherent state of mind called samadhi then learning to manipulate that by passing through the levels of absorption in a particular pattern.

There's an easier way! Ask the devas.

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