Friday, October 19, 2018

Lonely vs. Speed Dating (comedy)

Steve Carrell, The 40 Year Old Virgin; Bojack Horseman (Wisecrack); People Watching S1•E1 (Cracked); Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"Why Speed Dating is Terrible"

Whoever came up with speed dating is a madman -- and also horrible. Canadian viewers can watch Season 2 on the CBC. People Watching swag. Subscribe. "The Women Men Don't See."

Bojack Horseman on Loneliness

(Wisecrack, Oct. 2018) What BoJack Horseman teaches us about loneliness, a Wisecrack quick take. Sponsored by Join WisecrackPLUS for exclusive pilot access. Subscribe.

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