Wednesday, October 24, 2018

My doctor sexually molested me! (cartoon)

10/18/18); Family Guy; CBS Morning News; Crimes on Campus, USC Edition; Seth Auberon, Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: This report contains graphic and sensitive material of a sexual nature.

Gynecologist sued over inappropriate touching:
93 more ex-students accuse former USC gynecologist of sexual misconduct, attorney says

Gloria Allred, Esq. with student victim
LOS ANGELES - Ninety-three additional women have come forward to accuse longtime USC gynecologist Dr. George Tyndall of sexual misconduct, according to the attorney in the case.

Tyndall was the only full-time gynecologist at the school's Student Health Clinic for 30 years. Attorney John Manly said the 93 former students are represented in two new lawsuits.

The former students allege that USC ignored complaints about the doctor for decades, and concealed the doctor's actions.

Speaking to reporters Thursday, Manly called on California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to investigate USC. The attorney general's office declined to comment on the matter to CNN.
Tyndall's attorney, Leonard Levine, had no comment but said the doctor continues to cooperate in the investigation.

We hate President Trump at USC (
In July, after more than 50 accusers sued Tyndall and USC, Levine said in a statement that his client "is adamant that he engaged in no criminal conduct while practicing medicine at USC.

Hmmph, I should've been a gynecologist.
He firmly believes that when all the facts are known, and experts in the field of gynecology and obstetrics are consulted, it will be determined [that] his examinations of students at USC were for the stated medical purpose, and consistent with the standard of care for such examinations," the statement said.
The women say they were sexually abused, harassed, and molested by Tyndall, who was fired by the university in 2017 for inappropriate behavior, according to USC. University officials said the school reached a settlement with the doctor and did not report him to law enforcement or state medical authorities at the time. More + VIDEO

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