Friday, December 21, 2018

Chanting: "Itipiso Katha" (video)

Thai Theravada monks (motionclip88); text; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

1. Buddha Vandana: Iti pi so Bhagavâ-Araham: Sammâ-sambuddho. Vijjâ-carana sampanno, Sugato Lokavidû Anuttarro, Purisa-damma-sârathi, Satthâ deva-manussânam Buddho Bhagavâti.

TRANSLATION: "Honoring the Buddha: Thus, indeed, is the Blessed One: He is the Awakened One, fully enlightened, endowed with clear vision and virtuous conduct, sublime, Knower of worlds, incomparable leader of humans to be tamed, teacher of devas and humans, enlightened and blessed."

2. Dhamma Vandana: Svâkkhato Bhagavatâ Dhammo Sanditthiko Akâliko Ehi-passiko Opanâyiko Paccattam veditabbo viññuhiti.

TRANSLATION:  "Honoring the Dharma: The Dharma [Teaching] of the Blessed One is well expounded, seen here and how, immediate in efficacy, inviting one to come and see (investigate for oneself), leading onward (to nirvana), to be realized directly by the wise, each for oneself."

3. Sangha Vandana: Supati-panno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho, Ujupati-panno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho. Ñâya-patipanno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho. Sâmici-patipanno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho Yadidam cattâri purisa yugâni attha-purisa-puggalâ Esa Bhagavato sâvaka sangho. Âhu-neyyo, pâhu-neyyo, Dakkhi-neyyo,añjalikaraniyo, anuttaram puññakkhetam lokassâti.

TRANSLATION: "Honoring the Community: The community of the Blessed One's [enlightened] disciples has entered on the good way; the community of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the direct way; the community of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the proper way. That is to say, the four pairs and eight types of persons, which is the community of the Blessed One's disciples, is worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, and worthy of reverential salutation, for they are an incomparable field of merit in the world."

*Pali language pronunciation basics
a as a in what
â as a in father
i as i in mint
î as ee in see
u as u in put
û as oo in pool
e as a in cage
o as o in no
n as ng in sing
ñ as gn in signore
Prolong vowels with ^ or (-) such as â, î , û, e, and o. Pause for double letters such as dd in Buddha: Bu-ddha, mm in Dhammam: Dha-mmam, ss in Ehi-passiko: E-hi-pa-ssiko.

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