Friday, January 11, 2019

Good Deeds: Askew OPEN MIC, L.A. (Jan. 2)

Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Los Angeles, Pasadena, Wisdom Quarterly
Sarah Silverman, Rose's granddaughter, loves the folks at the home but not funerals.

So. Pasadena Poet Laureate Ron K.
Do we do enough for our parents, grandparents, and others? We need merit (good karma), and they need to know people care. So we're hosting a reading and "variety" show of comedy, poetry, and music. It's better than Sarah Silverman in JMagic. It's an OPEN MIC, and you're invited to laugh, cheer, and maybe even take the stage. Hosted by the beautiful Slim FitzGerald and DMI's very own Seven Dhar. January's features are funny, bestselling author of Stoner & Spaz and South Pasadena's new Poet Laureate RON KOERTGE.

Nicelle is a sexy performance artist and poet of Poetry Circus fame (

Nicelle Davis ( and Arlene Diaz are also on the bill. FREE at the luxurious Pasadena Highlands, in the Garden Room. FREE PARKING: enter top level lot from the small cross street Bresee Ave. Sign in at concierge desk next to entrance from parking lot as a guest of Prof. Bernie.

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