Thursday, January 3, 2019

I want to join the military (video); Pfc. Sandoval, Amber Larson, Seth Auberon (eds.) Wisdom Quarterly
Support our troops no matter who we kill no matter what we do (Hitler Youth U.S.)
Considering becoming a soldier? Reconsider
Yeah, b*tch, I will [blank] you in the [blank]!
Thus have I heard. Yodhajiva the village headman went to the Buddha, bowed, sat respectfully to one side, and said:

"Venerable sir, I have heard that it has been passed down by the ancient teaching lineage of warriors that, 'When a warrior strives and exerts in battle, if others strike that person down and slay one while striving and exerting in battle then with the breakup of the body, after death, one is reborn in the company of devas slain in battle.' What do you have to say about that?"

Get out of military and kill citizens.
"Enough, headman. Set aside that question rather than asking it."

But a second time and a third time Yodhajiva the headman asked.
"Headman, apparently it has not been possible to get you to set that question aside by saying, 'Enough, headman. Set aside that question rather than asking it.' So I'll answer simply. When a warrior strives and exerts in battle, the mind is already seized, debased, and misdirected by the thought, 'May these beings be struck down, slaughtered, annihilated, destroyed. May they no more exist!'

(Muiseyy, 2017) Veterans describe KILLING during wartime (in order). Original: This video is NOT monetized but uploaded to get these stories without the cuts.

Why question? Just kill.
"If others then strike that person down and slay one while one is striving and exerting in battle then, with the breakup of the body, after death, one is reborn in the hell called the realm of those slain in battle.

"But if one holds such a view as, 'When a warrior strives and exerts in battle, if others then strike that person down and slay one is striving and exerting in battle then, with the breakup of the body, after death, one is reborn in the company of devas slain in battle' -- that is wrong view.

I want you for imperial war, dummy!
"Now, there are two destinations for a person with wrong view, I declare, either hell or the animal world."
When this was said, Yodhajiva the headman burst into tears and sobbed. [The Buddha said:] "Headman, apparently it has not been possible to get you to set that question aside by saying, 'Enough, headman. Set aside that question rather than asking it.'"

"Venerable sir, I'm not crying because of what you said but because I have been deceived, cheated, and fooled for a long time -- fooled by the ancient teaching lineage of warriors who said that.' — SN 42.3

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