Thursday, January 17, 2019

Los Angeles Women's March (Jan. 19); Ashley Wells, Crystal Q., Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

Don't objectify me. Rain or shine.
The Women’s March is a national movement to unify and empower everyone who stands for human rights, civil liberties, and social justice for all.

We march to support and inspire each other and the nation to celebrate, honor, and protect our diversity, freedom, and human rights.

Ven. Pema Chodron and Catholic Fr. Boyle
We gather in community -- feminist, Buddhist, secularist, atheist, theist -- to find healing and strength through civility and compassion. This is a non-partisan, INCLUSIVE march welcoming EVERYONE who supports women's rights.

We welcome all PEOPLE (male, female, kids) to join us as we unite locally and nationally this Saturday, Jan. 19th, 2019, to stand together in justice, respect, and inclusion. This is only the beginning...Truth to power. Holding our politicians accountable... Register FREE

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