Thursday, February 21, 2019

When Jim Carrey's third eye opened (video)

LightBody Mindset;; Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

We never really know what to make of celebrities stepping out of the spiritual closet. Is it a publicity stunt? Is it a manic cry for help? Or is it a genuine attempt to convey some deeper truth after a near-lifetime enduring the illusions of fame?

There is something so incredibly egotistical and self-aggrandizing about the entertainment industry that it puts a tremendous strain on one’s consciousness to be at the center of it all.

Zen teacher/spiritual entertainer Alan Watts in a Jim Carrey video

Jim Carrey stepped out of the spiritual closet and announced to the world that he is a conscious being. Since ancient times the third eye had been revered by all kinds of cultures.

Today, we know it as the pineal gland, but it is still called the "third eye" in the spiritual realm.
  • In Buddhism the third eye is called the dibba cakkhu or "divine eye." It is one of the six higher powers (abhinna) and one of the three kinds of super-knowledge (tevijja).
The third eye is viewed as a spiritual sign representing our capability to conquer all kinds of challenges in daily life by tapping into our inner wisdom. But there is much more to the third eye than that.

In most Eastern traditions (like Buddhism) the third eye is undoubtedly real, a thing that anybody can perceive and obviously feel if one has a strong sense of oneself and mindfulness.

It is what is often referred to as the connection between body and [mind or] spirit. When we meditate with consistency, the third eye opens and our inner guide becomes stronger and a more present guiding force in our life.

Carrey found this to be very true, and this is what happened during his awakening.

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