Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 24th is DENIM DAY (video)

Ipsy; Audiopedia; Latestly; Crystal Q., A. Wells, CC Liu, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Denim Day: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and ipsy is proud to announce that it's taking part in Denim Day, the longest-running sexual violence prevention and education campaign, with Peace Over Violence. Thank you to participants in this video and True Religion brand jeans for providing the denim.

(Latestly) Denim Day 2019: 5 celeb-inspired ways to style denim jeans

Denim Day 2019: Denim pants are extremely versatile and can be worn for any occasion and teamed up with any kind of accessories. Not only is denim amazing to look at, with its mellow indigo blue fade, but are also durable and comfortable and an American standard that caught on in Italy with a fit so tight it led one court to reason that no rape must have occurred because the victim would have had to have helped get herself out of them.

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