Monday, April 15, 2019

Breathing and Yoga to Connect with Stillness (Los Angeles, April 18)

Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Jen B., Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

A partner-yoga pose (randomly assigned or bring your own yoga partner) brings us into connection as we unconsciously begin to match breathing. This stimulates the slow, steady release of serotonin for contented peace rather than exciting a dopamine dump for a quick feel good fix. Neuroscientist Rob Lustig taught us "The 4C's."
  1. CONNECT: meditate in an accepting group setting.
  2. CONTRIBUTE: bring a vegan snack or drink to to share.
  3. COPE: learn valuable methods for dealing with experience when you want to hide under a rock.
  4. COOK: instead of picking up a snack, prepare one (cut fruit, spring salad, muffins, cookies, iced tea, whatever).
Next thing you know, you're meditating more deeply than you ever thought possible. It's science. FREE if you RSVP:

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