Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Buddhist "faith" with Sharon Salzberg (NY)

Team Sharon (sharonsalzberg.com); Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Faith (Sharon Salzberg/Amazon)
In contemporary life, based on interpretations, repressive experiences, and times where questioning was not allowed, we often struggle with the concept and practice of FAITH (saddha, confidence, conviction, well-placed trust).
Is faith a necessary element for spiritual development? What does faith mean?

Join Sharon Salzberg and Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel in NYC on April 26th and 27th at New York Insight for a deep look at the provocative and lively topic that lies at the heart of the human condition.

This weekend program will explore a different sense of "faith." How it can connect us to a deeper place of strength within us and to a bigger picture of life will be discussed.

New York Insight Meditation, NYC
This type of faith increases confidence, openness, and our ability to recognize something outside of our immediate circumstances as describing who we are.

Both Sharon and Elizabeth have written books dedicated to exploring faith because of how important it is to more deeply understand it. And they are delighted to bring these discussions to life in the format of a in-depth weekend retreat.

Sharon Salzberg with Roshi Joan Halifax
This topic will be offered as a Friday evening program as well as in a full Daylong practice on Saturday and will include discourses, discussion, and guided meditations. It is suitable for both new and experienced meditators.

Join for one or both sessions as these two days can stand alone as complete experiences or build on each other for a richer weekend of practice and discussion.

Join and unpack faith and its role in contemporary life and spirituality. More (Register)

In this beautifully written work, one of America's most beloved Buddhist meditation teachers offers discerning wisdom on understanding faith [confidence, conviction] as a healing quality. Through the teachings of the Buddha and the insight gained from her lifelong spiritual quest, Salzberg provides readers with a road map for cultivating peace that can be practiced by anyone of any spiritual tradition.

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