Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How our emotions affect our minds (video)

Dr. Mate via Christine Wong, 1/7/16; Pat Macpherson, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I can't think straight when I hurt so much and feel so bad. I need a real cure.

How emotions affect cognitive functioning
I hate it when I love too much, so sad.
For a dozen years Dr. Gabor Maté worked in Vancouver’s downtown Eastside with hardcore drug addicts -- patients suffering from depression, mental illness, HIV, and also worked at Vancouver’s Supervised Injection Site.

With over 20 years of family practice and palliative care experience and extensive knowledge of leading edge research, Dr. Maté is a much sought-after speaker regularly addressing health professionals, educators, and the public all over North America.

He says our cognitive capabilities are impaired and improved by our affect, our emotions. Everyone, particularly mothers, must watch this to understand:

We first need to understand WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US then OUR CHILDREN. As we understand, we can become more aware of our own behaviors and challenges to determine if we need to seek intervention with some issue.

Prof. Franz Ruppert has an intervention method for mental, emotional, and physical issues that includes addiction and relationship issues (goo.gl/JjHNSX). In Singapore or Asia, contact Christine Foong-Wong co-founder of rhemaworks.com. For more info on Prof. Ruppert's work, email christine@rhemaworks.com.

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