Monday, May 27, 2019

Liquid Ignorance and Native Genocide (video)

The Guardian, 9/29/17; Xochitl, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(The Guardian) How did all these damn Injuns get on our land? Addict them to get the hell off!

Genocide by Liquid Ignorance
Party like a colonial invader. Whoo!
Alcohol is the enemy. The one who gives it to you is, too. Whiteclay, Nebraska is a tiny unincorporated town that sits on the border with South Dakota. Until its closure by state officials, its four liquor stores sold more than 4 million cans of beer a year, almost entirely to members of Lakota Sioux tribe on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where the sale of alcohol is banned. The Guardian (UK) spent time on the federal reservation to understand the impact of alcohol on its residents -- as well as the activists and Lakota tribe members determined to keep the town closed. Video at

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