Saturday, May 11, 2019

ZEN: "Buddhism Plain and Simple" (video)

Steve Hagen (; Amber Larson, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"This is the clearest and most precise exposition of Buddhism I have ever read. If you're looking for enlightenment rather than just scholarly knowledge, you'd better read this."
—Robert Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

In Buddhism Plain and Simple, Zen priest and longtime teacher Steve Hagen presents the heart of Buddhist teachings, pared down to the essence and explained in simple, everyday language.

This best-selling book is the perfect guide to Buddhism for beginners; the text has served international readers at all levels of study and practice since it was originally published over a decade ago.

More than 300,000 copies in various formats have sold to date, and now it's available in this new paperback edition with a high-quality binding and paper, as well as elegant decorative illustrations scattered throughout.

Practiced by more than 1.2 million Americans and 2-3 million Europeans, Buddhism has become one of the West's largest spiritual traditions.

Whether one is simply interested in learning more about Buddhist philosophy, or hoping to begin practicing but doesn't know where to start, Buddhism Plain and Simple will help along the way.

The introduction explains: "This is a book about awareness. Not awareness of something in particular, but awareness itself — being awake, alert, and in touch with what is actually happening.

"It's about examining and exploring the most basic questions of life. It's about relying on the immediate experience of this present moment. It's about freedom of mind. It's not about belief, doctrine, formula, or tradition."

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Roshi Steve Hagen has been a student and practitioner of Zen Buddhsim since 1967. For 15 years he studied with Roshi Dainin Katagiri from whom he received Dharma Transmission (the endorsement to teach) in 1980. He is the founder of the Dharma Field Zen Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the author of such works as Buddhism Is Not What You Think, Meditation Now or Never, and Why the World Doesn't Seem to Make Sense.

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