Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Why Juneteenth is important (video)

Tony Bates; The Root; Blackish; Crystal Q., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

This is why Juneteenth is important for America
Juneteenth or "Freedom Day" (June 19th) celebrates the emancipation of Native American and black slaves. It is important to everyone in the USA and needs to become an official American celebration on the federal calendar. It is commemorated in at least 46 states. Visit

Rising Up, June 19th,
Juneteenth explained: The commemoration of the freeing of slaves held by whites in the USA on Rising Up with guest host Tony Bates (Questioning Everything) instead of Sonali. Pacifica Free Speech Radio (, L.A., 4:00 PM, Wednesday, June 19, 2019.

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