Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hoax or "DID WE GO?" to the Moon (video)

Aron Ranen (; Griffith Observatory (laist); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Survey find 105 know U.S. gov't is lying. - Did we go to the Moon on Apollo 11?

Kids, thou shalt not question authority!
Aron Ranen has the brilliance to question and investigate, asking: "DID WE GO?" He made a documentary about it.

Of course, our government lies to us. They've been lying the whole time. That's what the CIA and the former Nazis of NASA are for. That does not, however, mean we did not go. Humans have been to the Moon, but Apollo missions were a hoax. What was found on the lunar surface and the interior? How did we get there then?

One thing's for sure, what we saw on TV and what we are shown now in retrospective movies are laughable film hoaxes, CGI, Stanley Kubrick's work, touch ups, masking, and more. We certainly go into space, but how we do it, with whose help, and what is there is kept from the public. Ask John Lear or the many whistleblowers the government can't stand are talking.

John Lear says Moon cloaked with hologram
Wake up. Stop pretending to sleep!

This "silly" question may be what helps break through the mass of propaganda and deception if other "conspiracies" to keep the truth from us have not been enough. Remember, just because what we were shown is a transparent lie about what is on the Moon (Luna/Soma) does not mean we did not go and actually film the real trip.

Why it's called a "hoax" is because the whole world was shown the deception with so many errors and gaffs, it's a wonder anyone can take it seriously. YouTube is not censoring videos, questions, and search results because they want an actual debate and discussion with more than one side. It's the official government story, or you're on your own, you tin foil hat wearing numbskull. More

The official cover story event
  • "To Walk on the Moon: Past, Present, and Future"
  • Saturday, July 20 through July 24, 2019
  • Griffith Observatory
  • 2800 E. Observatory Rd., Griffith Park
FREE. In the summer of 1969, the Apollo 11 mission was launched into space and Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon. The observatory honors the 50th anniversary of both events with activities through July 24. The celebration peaks on Saturday with commemorative events and talks all day long. The Stations of the Apollo activity begins at 9:45 a.m. on the lawn, with several talks beginning at 11:00 a.m. "Conspiracy theorists" might be most interested in the 1:00 p.m. talk "Man on the Moon: Hoax or No Hoax"? More

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