Monday, July 29, 2019

Indigenous Activists, Garlic Fest, Wall (video)

Hosts Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez, and Nermeen Sheikh (, July 29, 2019); Xochitl, Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(DONATE TO HELP) Indigenous activists in America are being murdered by gold miners and other pro-capitalist forces in Colombia. Trump stokes racist tensions with loud and clear dog whistle terms in Baltimore against black Congress person who dares to talk about Trump's border enforcement atrocities against children and families after Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) likened the situation to concentration camps. Despite faulty lethal drugs and racist implementation, Trump is bringing back the federal death penalty. Judge halts Trump’s asylum ban that represents a “relentless attack on the very idea of asylum.” Child separation and prison camps: China’s campaign against Uyghur Muslims minority is “cultural genocide.” Rioting Russian police crack down on peaceful demonstrators sitting in for fairer elections in Putin's Moscow. “A victory for the people of Puerto Rico”: Gov. Ricardo Rosselló resigns following mass protests. Coward Robert Mueller's testimony disappoints Democrats (and everyone else) who bet on the special counsellor to help sink Trump for all the crimes he has not yet been indicted on. Ryan Grim: Tom Perez was elected head of DNC thanks to a “silent coup” in Puerto Rico in 2017. Protests erupt in London as Boris Johnson (the British Don Trump) is sworn in as new prime minister, promising hard Brexit after Theresa May was thrown out of office. More

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