Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Second Coming of the Peacemaker Tulsi

Tim Black Show (TBTV, 2/19) reviews Tulsi Gabbard (, Meghan McCain (The View); Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy); Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Peter fights back after being sexually assaulted by his doctor. This leads to the second coming of Jesus, who is shorter than expected. We don't know what a "savior" will look like ahead of time. Maybe it looks like Hawaiian peacemaker Tulsi Gabbard. She is loved but not set to be allowed into the third debate -- unless people donate $1 to put her over the top on the number of donors the party demands to be considered a serious candidate.

Tulsi Gabbard demolishes The View co-host Meghan McCain
(TBTV) Once again Tulsi Gabbard was smeared by war-friendly agents. This time it was The View's warmonger Meghan McCain. Tulsi Gabbard sets straight her positions on a series of issues.

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