Friday, August 16, 2019

Lost Civilizations (documentary)

DTTV Documentaries, March 4, 2019; Xochitl, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Cities Beneath the Jungles, Deserts, and Seas
(Disclose Truth TV) There are many ancient mysteries in human history. But none capture the attention as much as long lost civilizations that have never been rediscovered.

In a new, never-before-seen documentary, we look in deserts, dense jungles, and even underwater to prove that legendary ancient cities are waiting to be found.

With the advance of new technology, it is entirely possible that archaeologists will one day make a history-changing discovery that simply defies comprehension, unearthing a previously unknown civilization.
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Buddha statues and Egyptian-style artifacts and Mayan-style hieroglyphics found in the Grand Canyon. These findings were published by Kinkade, who found and detailed chambers and underground rooms capable of holding 50,000.

Native American legend backs this finding. It tells of the "ant people" who came to the surface through tunnels and took the surface populations down below the earth for safety, to preserve them during a cataclysm.

There are ruins found in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, Africa. Portions of a wall the size of the Great Wall of China was found and explored as well Nazca Lines carved into the ground and a dry lake bed with remnants of a vast and great civilization.

Lidar technology is revealing many things, like El Dorado the great "golden" city. Once thought to be only a legend, it is now as real to us as it was to the alien Spanish/European invaders and occupiers (Conquistadores) who sought it, misled by locals who were giving them the run-around. And there's much more.

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